
Discover our sailboat rental rates

Rates and prices for trips and rentals of the Bavaria 44 C sailboat in Barcelona

Our rates for organized outings, as well as our charter prices (which you can consult in Customized travels) are based on our founding philosophy: to make sailing available to everyone, offering quality, personalized service, transmitting our love for the sea and for the art of sailing. And all this in the most sustainable way possible.

what do we offer you?

Tailor-made travel rates

ALMARBCN Departure Rates

*T. HIGH: 1 July to 31 August.

* MEDIUM: Easter/ 1 April to 30 June and 1 September to 31 October.

*T. LOW: Rest of the year.

*VAT not included

America's Cup Sailing Rates

Course and regattas rates

Filming rates 2024

FROM 1 TO 3 days in a maximum of three months

FROM 4 TO 6 days in a maximum of three months

More than 6 days in a maximum of three months

Charter Rates 2024

Extra Bail Bonds

Payments and cancellations


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