Navigating the lands of the Ebro

The Ebro River is the second largest river in the Iberian Peninsula after the Duero River and has its mouth in the south of Catalonia, where it forms a spectacular delta. Its lands, although badly damaged by the storm Glòria this January, form a unique ecosystem and protected by the designation of Natural Park, which is well worth a visit. There we go on a varied three-day excursion that combines sailing and cycling through the delta. All this and more in Tierras del Ebro.

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One of our star routes, an interesting trip to the south of Catalonia, the Ebro Lands. We propose this route as a combination of activities. First of all, sailing, our true passion, and then a tour by bike or on foot through the delta of the Ebro river, the largest wetland in Catalonia and declared a Natural Park in 1983.

Sailing we will leave Port Badalona in the afternoon to cover the 84 miles that separate us from Sant Jordi de Alfama. We will sail at night, in order to make the most of the 3 days in the southern area. Dinner will be served on board. The night navigation will allow us to enjoy the starry skies, the moonlight and the silence of the sea.

In the morning, shortly after breakfast, we will have arrived. We will relax, stroll along the beach and have lunch there, and then continue on to L’Ametlla de Mar or La Cala, as it is known by the locals. It has 16 km of coastline, with about 30 coves and beaches and is the first municipality in number of pristine beaches. We will spend the night in this typically fishing and seafaring village. Dinner on your own.

The next day, after breakfast on the boat, we will stop at l’Ampolla de Mar, about 3 miles away. Its name is due to the shape of the old mouth of the Ebro river (bottle in Catalan) and is considered the gateway to the beautiful Ebro Delta. Very close to the town center we find the Llacuna de les Olles, a lagoon directly connected to the sea and surrounded by rice fields and where, if we want, we can approach by bicycle. Strolling through the delta, we are sure to see many birds, including the famous flamingos. Those who decide to stay in L’Ampolla can enjoy the town and its interesting restaurants.

The next day, very early in the morning, we will start our way back to Badalona. We will spend the whole day sailing, enjoying the sea and hoping to cross paths with some playful dolphins. We will have lunch on board, and in the afternoon, we will arrive at port.

Included in the price

Not included in the price

Sant Joan


*Per person

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